Guide for Authors

 | Post date: 2024/01/24 | 

Guide for Authors

Articles should be written using Microsoft Word software and on A4 paper. In addition, the main text should be in a single column, the Farsi part of the articles should be in B Nazanin font and the Latin text should be in Times New Roman font. The top, bottom, left, and right margins on all pages should be 2.5 cm, the line spacing should be 1.5 cm, and the text should be set from right to left. The titles of the introduction, main text and conclusion sections (and their sub-sections if any) should be numbered.
Important: The full article must be at least 6 and at most 15 pages.
It should be noted that the words approved by the Persian Language and Literature Academy should be used in writing the article
Original articles include the following sections in order:
Title page (in Persian) which contains the following items:
  • Title (it should be concise and informative)
  • Author full names) (Corresponding author should be marked with*)
  • Affiliations (the authors highest qualifications, the department or institution to which they are attached)
  • E-mail Address for correspondence
  • Abstract (All articles must accompany a structured abstract 90-170 words and it should be consisted of aim, findings and conclusion. The abstract should not be general and descriptive and references should be avoided in the abstract)
  • Keywords
section Font
Title B Nazanin 16 (Bold)
Author full names B Nazanin 14 (Bold)
Affiliations B Nazanin 14 (Bold)
E-mail Address Times New Roman 12
Abstract B Nazanin 12
Keywords B Nazanin 12 (Bold)
The main text of the article, which includes the following sections, should be written in B Nazanin 12 font, the English text in Times New Roman 11, and the numbers in B Nazanin 11
  • Introduction
The introduction includes a clear definition of the problem, the scientific history related to the subject of the article, and the proposed approach or solution.
  • Experimental
This section provides sufficient details about the materials used, the processing route and the characterization and property measurement methods to allow the work to be reproduced by an independent researcher. Methods that are already published should be summarized, and indicated by a reference. If quoting directly from a previously published method, use quotation marks and also cite the source. Any modifications to existing methods should also be described. No results should be presented in this section.
  • Results and Discussion
This section contains the results of experiments or modeling and attention to details in the form of figures or tables. All figures, tables, and diagrams should be included within the text wherever necessary. All of these items should be numbered sequentially without using parentheses and should have relevant explanations. The background of the tables and figures should be white. All Figures should have captions, and tables should have headings. Numbers, letters, and symbols should be legible and visible, and numbers inside tables should be written in Persian. Captions and headings should be written in B Nazanin 11 font for Persian words and Times New Roman 9 font for English words, and centered.
Images must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and be provided in TIFF or JPEG format.

Table 1- The results of apparent density, percentage of open porosity and percentage of relative density of the samples.
apparent density
Relative density (%) open porosity Composition
513/5 3/98 54/0 ZnO
532/5 6/98 43/0 ZnO+ 0.5 wt% TiO2
534/5 7/98 34/0 ZnO+ 1 wt% TiO2
545/5 8/98 40/0 ZnO+ 2 wt% TiO2

Figure 1. Dielectric loss changes of ZnO according to the amount of TiO2 dopant.
  • Conclusion
Discussion and conclusion of the main results of the research are presented in summary form. At the end of this section, suggestions for future research are given.
  • Acknowledgement
The author(s) have to acknowledge the supporting centers or resources of the article. If your article has financial or research support or is derived from a research project, it is necessary to mention its information in a paragraph titled "Acknowledgments" at the end of the article before the list of references.
If there is no conflict of interest, the following sentence should be added to the end of the article, before the acknowledgments:
There is no conflict of interest among the authors
  • References
In this section, it is necessary to give the specifications of the references mentioned in the text according to the order of their reference. The referencing styles in this journal is Vancouver. In this method, the information of the authors, sources and year of publication is not included in the text, and the sources in the text are specified in the order of their number in the list of sources. The sources mentioned in the text must be indicated by numbers in brackets. For example, [1]. It is obvious that the complete specifications of the article are mentioned in the references section with the relevant number. It is emphasized that no other reference should be written in the references section except for the references mentioned in the text.
The addressing of the references, depending on whether the reference is an article from a journal, a book, or an article from a conference proceedings would be as follows:
1. For an article from a journal, the format should be as follows: 
Zh. Chen, Z. Li, J. Li, Ch., Liu, Ch. Lao, Y. Fu., Ch. Liu., Y. Li, P. Wang, Y. He, “3D printing of ceramics: A review”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2019, 39 [4] 666-687.
2. For a book, the format should be: 
W.D. Kingery, H.K. Bowen, D.R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics, John. Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1976.
  • Attachments
Appendices are given after mentioning the sources.

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