Volume 19, Issue 1 (Journal of Iranian Ceramic Society 2023)                   Jicers 2023, 19(1): 78-105 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohebbi T, Mirzaee M, Hamedanian M. MAX phase synthesis methods in the form of powder, bulk, and film and its applications. Jicers 2023; 19 (1) :78-105
URL: http://jicers.ir/article-1-478-en.html
Kashan University , hamedani@kashanu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1089 Views)
MAX phase materials are a new family of three-layer carbide and nitride compounds, represented by the general formula Mn+1AXn, where n = 1-3, M stands for primary transition metals, and A is the element of group A of the periodic table and X is nitrogen or carbon. In recent years, new research has focused on the MAX phase, as it became possible to obtain MXene through their selective etching and removal of the A element. In this review, the development of the MAX phase and its characteristics are introduced. In the next step, the structure, morphology, electronic structure, and diversity of the MAX phase are described and finally, different preparation methods and applications related to MAX phase films, bulk, and powder materials are introduced according to current preparation technologies.
Keywords: MAX, Synthesis, Film, Bulk, Powder
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Subject: Structural Oxide and Non-Oxide Ceramics
Received: 2023/09/27 | Accepted: 2023/12/20

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