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  • Publication statistics
    Journal volumes: 19
    Journal issues: 66
    Articles views: 1248386
    Articles downloads: 430797

    Total authors: 936
    Unique authors: 600
    Repeated authors: 336
    Repeated authors percent: 36

    Submitted articles: 438
    Accepted articles: 330
    Rejected articles: 82
    Published articles: 301

    Acceptance rate: 75.34
    Rejection rate: 18.72

    Average Time to Accept: 130 days
    Average Time to First Review: 54.2 days
    Average Time to Publish: 87.4 days

    Last 3 years statistics:
    Submitted articles: 165
    Accepted articles: 124
    Rejected articles: 38
    Published articles: 124

    Acceptance rate: 75.15
    Rejection rate: 23.03

    Average Time to Accept: 76 days
    Average Time to First Review: 9.6 days
    Average Time to Publish: 37.7 days
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    Journal of The Iranian Ceramic
    Journal of The Iranian Ceramic
    Publisher:،The Iranian Ceramic Society
    Article Processing Charge (APC):Free of Charge
    Publication Process: Quick & Open Access

    According to the regulations of the country's scientific journals approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) on 02/02/1998, in order to protect the rights of researchers and writers and to prevent the publication of duplicate articles, this journal uses the IranDoc system.

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    Journal of Iranian Ceramic Society
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    AllSince 2019